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    DEV-Thirt eenth-PostDEV- T hirteenth PostDEV Thirteen th-PostDEV-Thirteenth-Post

    Thirteenth POST This is a text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultricies tincidunt felis. Pellentesque suscipit consequat...

    2min. read  |  11/09/23

    DEV-Eighth-Post (Clone)

    2min. read  |  08/09/23

    What is Down-selling? Examples and Strategies for Online Shops

    Down-selling is a strategy that aims to wrap up a purchase by offering customers more options. Learn how to implement this strategy in your e-commerce...

    4min. read  |  07/03/23

    Selling Online: Marketplaces Like Amazon & eBay vs. Website

    Selling your products in marketplaces like Amazon and eBay has its advantages and disadvantages. Should you refocus your efforts to your own website?

    6min. read  |  07/02/23

    What is E-E-A-T and How Does It Affect Your Online Shop’s SEO?

    The E-E-A-T principle plays an important role in the world of SEO. What are the E-E-A-T guidelines about and how do they affect your website's ranking?

    4min. read  |  10/01/23

    Grow My Store: Google’s Free Tool to Optimise your Online Shop

    Google's Grow My Store performs an assessment of online shops and creates recommendations for shop owners to improve customers' shopping experience.

    3min. read  |  28/11/22

    Pros And Cons Of Buying a Prebuilt E‑commerce Shop

    Buying a prebuilt e‑commerce shop can be a great way to venture into entrepreneurship. Let's look at the pros and cons of buying a prebuilt online shop.

    4min. read  |  17/10/22

    12 Tips for Creating Perfect Google Shopping Ads

    Here are a few of the best ways to optimise your product listings and create the perfect Google Shopping ads to get your business ahead of the competition.

    6min. read  |  13/10/22

    Top 5 Logistical Tips for Cross-border E‑commerce

    Selling cross-border can be a challenge, but can also be worth the risks. Here are 5 logistical tips for online shops selling cross-border.

    4min. read  |  26/08/22
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